Monday, January 16, 2006

January 14th

Hey everybody!

Aaron's been giving off cause I haven't been updating you all on our progress!

Mum and Helen arrived on Friday afternoon in since then we've been doing loads ( Photos will follow).

Friday evening Chloe and i gave a tour of our local area then we all went for a BIG dinner to the Daily Grill - Aaron was loving it.

Saturday we got up early and after having an all you can eat breakfast together we went to D.C. for a little sightseeing.

Aaron was only with us for a while because he had already arranged to go clay pigeon shooting.

Our first stop was the mall which actually took us a long time even to see half of it!! We went up to capital Hill and then had a look around the Library of Congress. After that we headed for the Washington Monument which was alot harded than we thought because of the very strong winds.

The white house visit was quickly followed by some welcomed lunch and then it was off to the Renwick Gallery for a look around.

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