Sunday, February 12, 2006


After spending some time in customs, Laura was eventually allowed into the country on Saturday afternoon around 5pm.

We went staight to our apartment and showed Laura where she would b spending her nights - on the sofa!!!

We then headed out into the snow with Leona and Nesbitt (another pwc employee working in San Jose) to the Galleria for a chinese and later back to our's for a dvd.

Sunday morning we were supposed to leave early and travel to PA to Malvern church but because of the snow storm we couldn't make it. The church service was actually cancelled due to the snowy conditions.

Instead, Leona, Nesbitt and us went to Great Falls park for a walk and to look at the river. After that we also went into D.C. a had a walk along the Mall which was lovely in the snow.

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